Friday, February 11, 2011


Today is Friday.. yay

I am still interested in groundhogs and rhinos, in particular why they are called these things.

wtf is groundhog all about? that suggests it is a pig that lives on or in the ground. pigs already live on the ground as far as I know, I guess not in the ground....

Apparently groundhogs and woodchucks are the same. Marmota Monax

Thank you wikipedia

also it is possible the name woodchuck did not come from chucking wood. It has been said that it came from a Narragansett name for the animal. So they don't really chuck wood

or maybe they do only a little

so groundhogs/woodchucks/ land beavers/ large ground squirrels eat grasses, small insects and grubs, as well as nuts and berries.

Unlike their squirrel cousins, they do not plan for the future, they eat all of the nuts and berries at once.
The are amazing at making burrows and they also are great climbers to escape all of the animals that think they are tasty, like wolves and coyotes.

Groundhogs are also known for their aggressive tendencies like bite people who disrupt them on groundhogs day. To me this seems very reasonable. Sometimes I want to bite people who wake me up when I am sleeping too. I'm not sure I can really blame them for that behavior... so their aggressive tendencies are questionable in my book, I will need to see more evidence.

But they hibernate. I am all for hibernating. In fact if I had the chance I would hibernate right now.

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